About Us

Hypnotherapy, past life regression and counseling center

A peek through your past

As the saying goes "don't live in your past or future, just live in the present", but one can argue saying the present moment should be one worthy of living it.

Everyone at some point in their lives would have come across the word karma and it’s implications.

Ever felt stuck in life, questioning yourself as to "WHY ME"

What if you could take a peek through your past and cherish your present, therefore enhance your future.

We at TAPAS take you on a journey through your past, unlocking the doors to a more clearer present.

This would serve as an eye opener, by unveiling subtle details, that will help you move forward and lead a quality life.

In today's fast-paced world, people are more stressed than relaxed. It’s important to air out your day to day tensions or serious problems that need professional intervention.

Needless to mention that at the end of the day, it feels good to speak to someone , who doesn't judge you and at the same time help you unburden and find peace. .

At TAPAS, the counseling sessions are confidential and at the end of the sessions, you will be able to think clearly and make suitable decisions.

N Lakshmi Bhat

(IPHM UK certified)

Internationally certified hypnotherapist and past life regression therapist.

18 plus years of counseling experience

services offered

Professional Hypnotherapy

Age regression

Inner child healing

Womb regression

Past life regression

Adolescent counseling

Pre marital counseling

Post marital counseling

Depression and stress management
